Talk and Activity at CityVis 2022

Christoph Huber, a PhD student and researcher at HDIL, introduced our concept of Data Experience Points, and shared his insights from a project designing and deploying an air quality visualization for citizens. This project is part of sMArt roots, the Smart City initiative of the City of Mannheim.

Air Quality Visualization on a mobile device

Damla Cay, a former PhD student with the HDIL and now a postdoctoral researcher at MOME Innovation Center in Budapest, led the interactive session at the workshop, where she guided participants through a hands-on activity to analyze urban data visualizations using a card set. The card set is based on human-centric themes and considerations fundamental for urban data visualization design (Goodwin et al 2021). This activity is informed by Damla’s PhD research, which explored how participatory visualization can foster collaboration and empowerment among diverse stakeholders in urban contexts.

Damla introducting the dimension cards for the activity (left). One dimension and selected consideration cards on a desk (right).