In cooperation with TU Kaiserslautern, DFKI Kaiserslautern, Mannheim University of Applied Sciences, Leitstelle Xplanung / XBau and Kaiserslautern City Council, the SRL organizes a two-day workshop in the run-up to the Planners’ Meeting to explore the value and potential of spatial and open data. Against the backdrop of the growing amount of digital data, open-data platforms and crowdsourced data, we invite students to explore opportunities and challenges for the Smart City.
In the two-day workshop, together with the participants we explore the use of digital infrastructures for the digital cities of tomorrow, present the added value of Open Data data, and break new ground in urban analysis and monitoring.

Cover of flyer for the Smart City Hackathon 2018
What in for the participants?
- a hackathon with geodata, open data and crowdsourced data/GIS, WebGIS
- Inspiration through presentations by experts on the topic of smart cities and data
- Getting to know current digitization trends in the context of smart cities
- A diverse network of participants
- Networking and interdisciplinary work
- Relaxed atmosphere and creative environment
- Free drinks and food!
Who can participate?
Up to 30 students of urban and spatial planning, computer science, geography, design and all interested parties are invited! Since the number of places is limited, registration is requested!
Anmeldung unter:
Start: Dienstag, 8. Mai 2018, 10 Uhr
Ort: TU Kaiserslautern, Geb. 1, Pfaffenbergstr. 95, 67663 Kaiserslautern
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